I am presently in my third year of pursuing a Ph.D. in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the State University of New York at Buffalo (UB), advised by Prof. Wenyao Xu. Prior to my doctoral studies, I earned a master's degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) under the supervision of Prof. Bin Liu. Before that, I successfully obtained a bachelor's degree in Electronic Information Engineering from Hefei University of Technology (HFUT).
I specialize in wireless sensing for smart health, delving into innovative sensing technologies to accurately and reliably capture human biomarker information. Additionally, I am engaged in the realm of general RF-based object detection and tracking.
E-Mail: zhang376 at buffalo dot edu
- 2021.09-now Department of Computer Science and Engineering, UB. (Ph.D. Student)
- Supervisor: Prof. Wenyao Xu
- 2017.09-2020.06 Department of Electronic Engineering and Information Science, USTC. (Master Degree)
- Supervisor: Prof. Bin Liu
- 2013.09-2017.06 Department of Electronic Information Engineering, HFUT. (Bachelor Degree)
- [1] Xiaoyu Zhang, Zhengxiong Li, Chenhan Xu, Luchuan Song, Huining Li, Hongfei Xue, Yingxiao Wu, Wenyao Xu. mmHand: Towards Pixel-Level-Accuracy Hand Localization Using A Single Commodity mmWave Device. IoTJ'25.
- [2] Chuqin Huang, Emily Zheng, Wenhan Zheng, Huijuan Zhang, Yanda Cheng, Xiaoyu Zhang, Varun Shijo, Robert W Bing, Isabel Komornicki, Linda M Harris, Ermelinda Bonaccio, Kazuaki Takabe, Emma Zhang, Wenyao Xu, Jun Xia. Enhanced clinical photoacoustic vascular imaging through a skin localization network and adaptive weighting. Photoacoustics'25.
- [3] Wei Bo, Suzanne S. Sullivan, Xiaoyu Zhang, Mingchen Gao, Wenyao Xu. A Telemedicine Analytic Framework for Fully and Semi-automatic Alzheimer’s Disease Screening using Clock Drawing Test. JBHI'24
- [4] Tiantian Liu, Feng Lin, Chao Wang, Chenhan Xu, Xiaoyu Zhang, Zhengxiong Li, Wenyao Xu, Ming-Chun Huang, Kui Ren. WavoID: Robust and Secure Multi-modal User Identication via mmWave-voice Mechanism. UIST’23.
- [5] Xiaoyu Zhang, Bin Liu. A Channel Hopping Strategy Based on the Human Trajectory Similarity for WBANs. BSN'19.
- [6] Guan, Chengjie, Bin Liu, Zhiqiang Liu, Y Zhang, Xiaoyu Zhang. JMMM: A Mobility Model for WBANs Based on Human Joint Movements. BodyNets'19.
- Algorithm Analysis and Design, 2021 Fall, 2022 Spring, 2022 Fall, 2023 Fall, 2024 Fall
- Mathematical Logic and Graph Theory, 2018 Fall, USTC
- ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare [2025]
- Smart Health (SH) [2025]
- Smart Health (SH) [2024]
- IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (IEEE BHI) [2024]
- IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Body Sensor Networks (IEEE BSN) [2024]
- IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Body Sensor Networks (IEEE BSN) [2023]